The calendar people and the clock people. LOL.

You lost me towards the end but I still couldn’t stop reading. You have my vote for your egotistical Dean Second!

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They exist! They just hide in the shadows and are unelected.

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As a March 1st birthday, I’ve always resented the leap year. (Especially this year because I love Thursday’s.) This is to say, you have my full support for the Dean Second. And I am ever grateful for your three days of research and expertise.

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I have never even considered the effect Leap Year had on adjacent birthdays. More like 15 million affected. Seriously though, we should be grateful that we're not on the International Fixed Calendar, because if you get born on a Monday you're forever stuck with Monday birthdays.

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Here for every (Dean) second of it!

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Ha! Or, we could just call the unit "deans." "Be there in 10 deans." "I can hold my breathe for 45 deans." etc. Technically easier to say than "seconds."

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oooh it takes a dean faster to say, too

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...i'm here to wait for the follow up article in four year's time...i might be doing the math wrong but i think that will be approximately 93465^~6**999.324 charlie sheen seconds from now (a derivative of a dean second mixed with tiger's blood and rye)...

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Hold me to it! The Sheen Second feels like a non-Euclidian unit of time that would really mess you up. Like that time when ergot of rye poisoned that village in France and everyone hallucinated the apocalypse and saw animals in the streets was measured in Sheen Seconds.

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...we need to get back to the days of communal hallucinations...

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Michael, this one is such a good read!!! Thank you for sharing this and I will write to the UN today to vote for the Dean second!

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Thanks Tobi! First we need to convince these guys at the IERRSS:



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This is brilliant, funny, and you have my vote for the Dean second. So many fascinating facts about time in this post. I now have no idea however how much time elapsed in my reading of it.

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Fascinating, Michael.

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Here for the Dean second! All 0.73 extra milliseconds of it

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if this extra Dean second will give me more time to be Productive and Successful I'm all for it

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