Ok so a few questions: have you written the textbook or is it a work in progress? Have you considered selling your graphics on something like teachers pay teachers specifically with the tag that they are intended for students with Dyslexia? Have you been told that you have one of the better substacks on the topic of essays? In my opinion you do.

Keep producing awesome content! I’ll make sure to spread it around as much as I can.

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Wait, are you NOT writing the snake essay?? You have to! I can’t wait.

This was SO enjoyable. I think it would be helpful to show examples of how you’d trim the fat and what exactly you might cut in a piece if it didn’t support the thesis. Especially if the thing you’re cutting seems really good, like if it’s entertaining, funny, shocking, etc. I suppose this is another way to say kill your darlings, but how do you know which darlings deserve to stay on the page and which don’t?

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You just keep getting better and better.

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This was an excellent read and definitely gave me something to think about. I know I often lack the structure I need to sort through the Material I have on hand when I write, but this framework really clarifies things in an intuitive way

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love the unapologetic complexity of this essay. and the great illustrations!

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Enjoyed this so very much!!!

I love the insight into another perspective and mind that essays allow for, and that textbooks-in-the-making about essays can produce.

This especially resonated:

"Without experience, it’s an article.

Without references, it’s a journal.

Without counterpoints, it’s propaganda. Through the intersection of these tensions, your essay becomes a proxy for a ruminating mind."

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Incredible banger. Love the visuals

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...i'd like to destroy our paradigms if only to prove there is value in the off grey sections hidden four drawings away from your drawings...my monkey brain wants to beat against the walls of the cage though i know its utility is to be seen inside of it...then i remember this is a blog about essays...and that the essays role isn't the absurdity of monkey #!+ on walls...to that end though, and thoughts on the dream state, i spend a lot of time personally trying to thread my conscious and unconscious both conscious and unconsciously...i have experienced dream states manifested in reality...someone i hadn't seen there the next day...deja vu...there is a connection, but the math and science isn't perfect for me (but some sanseis are assisting)...i wonder about truth...is it belief, belief in belief, or belief in the belief of belief?...i think there is an explorative investigation without proven ends that could sit outside your rubric...things that prove things are things...but maybe that is just propaganda?...

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